Friday, April 1, 2011

The King's and Queen's Rooms

It has been awhile since our last post. We have been diligently working on getting everything squared away for Phelps, out of town and just flat out busy! I am not sure where this year is going but I don't think it is going to slow down for a second.
If you haven't heard, Will received a job offer to be the Director of Music at First Presbyterian in Charlotte. We are excited to start this new chapter and thrilled we get to stay in Charlotte! We went and toured the pre-school yesterday and let's just say Jane is READY (I am going to throw it in here that Mommy is ready too)! She got her school bag and it is bigger than she is but she wouldn't let us touch it.
I thought I would just post a few pictures of the kids rooms since they are both complete. As we finish rooms in our house (the never ending project) I am going to try and post pictures.
So here they are.....

Jane's Room (obviously)

It took me a year to finish the pictures above her bed. They are from newborn, 3m, 6m, 9m and 12m. She changed so much in one year. It is sad how fast it flies.

Phelps's Room

I took a picture of Jane's clothes and these are Phelps's. No pink, although Will's comment was, "Why are there dresses in my son's closet?" They are called day gowns honey!

How Jane got P! One of the only letters we know.

The letters spell his name if you can't see them and I will add pictures in the frames once he gets here!

Couple of Jane from the past few months.

Her new shades

Jane has figured out how to turn on her light from her crib. She has a party for a little bit after we leave and then she passes right on out! We had to snap a picture of her on her "pippo."

Jane before church.

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