Saturday, August 14, 2010

A quick update.

We haven't updated in a while and I thought I would share what exactly has been going on lately.

I have started nannying (with Jane) for two families this summer. Jane, of course loves it because it is a constant play mate and I love it because I get to stay with Jane! For two days a week I watch a 5 month old. Her name is Sutton. Jane has grown to absolutely LOVE Sutton. I told her we needed to call her cousin Sutton for his birthday today and she crawled to the door and started pointing and kicking to go to get in the car (thinking we were going to her house). Jane has had to learn to be sweet to Sutton. It took a couple scoldings and much demonstration on how we touch the baby "nicely." Poor Sutton is going to be tough. She has definitely gottten a smack or two between Jane and her big sister Hadley. So now Jane pets Sutton like a dog and looks to me for approval on the way she is doing it. She thinks she is so big.

We also had the Meehan's over for dinner one nigh. They are such great friends and we hadn't seen them in forever.
Do you remember this:

Here they are now.

Jane also was invited to her first birthday party. Her friend Molly was the first one in their little group of friends to turn the big 1. Jane got all dolled up in her party dress and had such a great time. She LOVED riding in the car that Molly had at her house. Molly had the cutest party with a Bee theme.

Lastly, I am happy to report that Jane has officially gotten out of control. We don't really know what is going on with her but she needs a good long time out to fix it. She went from a Chihuahua to a Pit Bull over night. She all of the sudden started saying, "No no no no no no no." I had no clue where she learned this and then all of the sudden at the pool last night she went for something and I shouted, "No no no no no no no." I stopped cold. It has started. I have to watch EVERYTHING I say.
She also has started swatting at us. Not real sure where she learned this either. I think she now knows it makes us mad and does it because it irritates us. Any suggestions on how to make her stop?? She isn't even 1 yet. I have heard ignoring her. If you know of a secret, please let me know! The worst part is she comes up to us right after she is nasty and gives me or Will a big open mouth slobbery kiss. My heart melts.

: )

1 comment:

  1. hehe...I LOVE the bath picture. :)

    Molly was so glad Jane (and you and Will!) could come to her party. It was fun to celebrate with friends.

    And I love how you have Jane's dress tucked up - we have to do that for Molly, too. Jim won't put her in dresses because of that but I love the dresses anyway.
